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Wednesday Wisdom: Feeling stuck?

Stuck: Unable to move; trapped; unable to change position or situation(source:

Ever got glue or gum stuck on your clothes or hair? Ever been stuck in bumper to bumper traffic? Or what about feeling stuck in an uncomfortable social setting? You may have experienced all or none of these examples but one thing’s for sure being stuck ain’t cool(I know I used improper grammer btw lol). Being or feeling stuck has the potential to make you feel the following ways:

1. Useless

2. Worthless

3. Abandoned

You feel useless because you aren’t using your gift; you then start to evaluate your worth based off temporary terms of your life and you have convinced yourself that no one- not even God cares!

I feel your heart and believe me I was recently uprooted from a “stuck place”. There is no easy way to fix it either. But I can share with you what I discovered: I had to tear away at the false belief that I was stuck in fear, stuck in religion or stuck in the opinions of others. Some days were worst then others but my persistence finally wore off the glue of being stuck to dead people and unhealthy thought patterns. News flash being stuck is TEMPORARY! Just like clothes and objects eventually become resistant to old gum or dirt so will you become resistant to the negative belief that you are stuck! If you feel stuck in an abusive relationship there is help for you(please me email at if you need help leaving), if you feel stuck at a job let’s work together to assist you creating a plan.

You are not stuck you are frustrated ! And that can be changed. Here are some practical tips to help you identify why you are feeling stuck

1. List three things that are frustrating you.

2. Which ones can/can’t you change?

3. What tools do you need to change your mindset of feeling stuck?

This is just a start. We will revisit this again.

Prayer inspiration: God thank you for self awareness. Thank you that you have already put in me what’s needed to change my life. Mature my faith in myself and help me to replace thoughts of fear and self doubt with thoughts of triumph and self love. Restore my thought patterns to believe that the concept of being or feeling stuck is false. I declare advancement over my life- starting first with my mind. Amen.

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