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Wisdom Wednesday: TIGHT SPACES

“Stop shrinking yourself to fit into spaces you’ve outgrown..,”

Ever been constrained to a car or small space for long periods of times? You eventually become restless. Restlessness gives you anxiety and boredom starts to creep in. Boredom zaps you of your energy to thrive creatively and you’re stuck. Being in a tight space or a space that you have outgrown is a night mare; and some of you have been living a nightmare! This is not the life you have imagined for yourself? Where‘s your light? Where’s the spark? It’s gone because you stop being yourself and have compromised your growth and self care for comfort! Comfort is needed for rest but not for growth. It is easy to stay small but growth takes a lot of stretching and this my friend is what you have been afraid to do: Stretch!

How do you stretch?

1. Network: put yourself in a position to meet other people. Build your network by attending socials and meetings where people are thriving in areas you seek to be developed in.

2. Create a list of three things you hope to accomplish in 6 months.

3. Create the steps that are needed to accomplish the goals.

4. Read! Read! Read! I can’t stress this enough. Reading books that give tips on life or skill sets that you want to develop are do vital to your growth.

5. Talk to yourself! Yup come up with three things you love about yourself and recite them daily in the mirror. You have to start speaking differently about yourself so that you can project it in the earth.


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