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Wisdom Wednesday: GOING IN CIRCLES

Life operates a lot like cycles quite naturally. However what happens when we find ourselves repeating and not progressing? Have you ever found yourself questioning everything around you instead of what is inside of you? It is very lazy & easy to blame other people and things for the repeated cycles we find ourselves in. I don’t know about you but I don‘t like ending up at the same spot. In this post I am encouraging you to ask God for INSIGHT. Below I will give the differences between hindsight, foresight and insight. I will also give examples of this using my life experiences.

1. Foresight: Being able to forsee the future and prepare. I failed to see the danger in a lot of unwise choices I made. One that impacted me the most was the failure to complete my education and prepare for my future career and stability. I have sense learned that having a plan is key to success.

2. Hindsight: Understanding an event or situation after it has occurred. We all have great hindsight right? We can write a thesis on the impact of choices we have made after they occur but after is too late; unfortunately we end up digging ourselves in a deeper hole. Hindsight is a good thing to have when realizing what you should never do again. There are some experiences in my life I have committed to never being in again. They say never say never right? I understand the rhetoric but something's we have gone through in life; WE DIDN’T HAVE TO!

3. Insight: literally means to look with in;introspect; deep inspection within

I starting valuing the power of looking within myself after several failed attempts at blaming others for the repeated cycles that I found myself in. Insight is the greatest form of self awareness. Understanding things about yourself that make you vulnerable to certain conditions are so vital. I invite you to go on dates with yourself and learn about you. What triggers you? What makes you smile? Who are you apart from the many hats you wear?

We are at a critical place in human history and it is time to cut the ties of dysfunctional cycles that have kept us from thriving in life.

”If YOU keep having the same experiences with money, people, workplace and or church, why do you keep thinking “they” are the cause?

You are the creator of your life. If it keeps coming to you, you are calling it.” -Shun Dennis Strickland

prayer inspiration: God thank you for calling me out of self pity and immaturity. Give me courage to face ME. Help me to perform daily inspections of my behaviors so that I will overcome unhealthy cycles that I have willingly participated in. Help me be firm in setting boundaries when others try to pull me into dysfunctional patterns. Thank you for reconciling me back to you so that I can accomplish your original design for my life. Amen.

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