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Wisdom Wednesday: Sincerity of heart

Have you done a heart check lately? Probably not. We all have busy lives and barely have time to just sit and think. As a result, our hearts go unacknowledged or get clogged up by life’s worry. I’m not referring to your physical heart but your figurative heart that is the center of your personality, and the place that controls your intellect, emotions, and will.

I have learned in my short life that being sincere or ”real” has to begin inwardly first. You must be sincere with yourself before you can ever be sincere(honest, true, without deceit) with others. I have also discovered that many of us are in dysfunctional relationships with our souls. What do I mean? We do not stop and ask ourselves why we feel? Think? Or behave in certain ways. In short, we put out what we put into our hearts.We have to sow sincerity in order to reap sincerity. Below is something I challenge you to do this week:

1. Before you get on social media take 5 mins and think or write down how you feel about the day/yourself/others.

2. Before you says”yes”to lunch dates, meetings or things that are not related to your job ask yourself: “ Do I really want to do this?” ”Why have I agreed to doing this?”

3. Ask yourself at night: “ Do I need to have any conversations with others before bed? “Do I need to clear the air with anyone?”

Sincerity of heart will save you a lot of wasted energy on things that you really do not want to do. Sincerity of heart will also teach you how to train others on how to treat you...more of that next week though!

Peace & light,Cali

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