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  • conversationswcali

Wisdom Wednesday: You are not a super hero

Yes you are amazing and there is no one on earth that can do what you do; but ummmm I need you hear me: STOP TRYING TO RESCUE EVERYONE!

I know society has made us think it is our job to fix others and let them pile their junk onto us but it is a dangerous thing when you think you can fix people; you just can’t! People are responsible for their own healing and you have to ask yourself why you feel like you can fix others? What’s in you that needs to feel needed? Does rescuing others feed your ego?Below are a few symptoms that may indicate that you think you have to rescue everyone:

1. You attract/ befriend people who are weak/needy.

2. You do not set boundaries and you allow others to have access to you at all hours of the day/night.

3. You constantly convince yourself that if you do more or show more affection to someone that they will heal.

If you are guilty of rescuing people at the expense of your sanity and family time you should seek help. Sometimes we are adamant about rescuing others when we are in need of help ourselves. HELP YOU FIRST! BE SELFISH & HOLD OTHERS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN HEALING.

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