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Wisdom Wednesday : I am not a good friend

Friendships are tough and are often tested. However, it hit me one day as I was heading home from a long’s day of work: no one taught me how to be a friend let alone a good one. I often feel alone, but am I really alone or do I simply dispose of people swiftly? Embarrassingly enough it is the latter... I had grew accustomed to leaving people before they left me however I was hurting the very people God sent to help me. Sometimes you have to take a deep hard look at yourself and be honest. My moment of truth caused me to ask myself a few questions as it relates to friendships:

1. Am I supportive?

2. Do I expect too much out of people?

3. Do I easily offend or “scare” people off?

I honestly responded to “yes” to all three of these. As a result, I was being a “bad” friend because I was not allowing my friends to simply be human. People are people. They shouldn’t be controlled or manipulated to gratify my ego. Of course I understand that you should have standards in friendships but my inability to empathize with the sentiments of others at the expense of my own hurt cost me so many valuable connections. The reality is: I wanted people to fit into the perfect box I had created for them; and if they didn't fit my definition of perfect I was okay with throwing them away. This is not appropriate neither is it a reflection of the light of the Father. If you have solid people in your corner call them, hug them, and support them... everyone isn’t out to “get you”.

Prayer inspiration: Thank you God for the chance to repent to those I have wounded in pursuit of becoming me. Give me the courage to accept my responsibility in the break down of my fruendships. Help me mature this year. Always allow me to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry with people. Let me lead with honesty and most importantly with love. Thank you for rekindling friendships that sharpened me and ending friendships that dulled me. Amen.

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