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  • conversationswcali

Wisdom Wednesday: The problem is that you’re lazy

Hey ya’ll! How many of you have been guilty of being a lazy thinker? Most of you- me included.I am really bothered by the lack of critical thinking skills that many possess. Let’s all stop taking peoples’ word without investigating matters for ourselves. It is so damaging to see how many young and old people have never really researched things for themselves. A wise person once told me: Tell a lie once; it’s a lie. Tell a lie twice and it becomes truth. Have you ever sat and evaluated many of the things that have been fed to you from birth. The first step in becoming free mentally is that you have to dismantle lies that you have been fed about yourself. Have you ever asked yourself: who am I? What do I like? Probably not! You have always let others tell you about you! Also it’s very critical during the next 6 months that you evaluate why you do the things you do. Many of you have jumped on bandwagons in world trends, cultural nuances and political movements without careful inspection of them. I encourage you to exercise your brain power and research, review, and re-read.

Also some of you have been making silly mistakes at home and work because you are not paying attention -you are just doing. Do not become a machine please use your God given man power and that my friend is your brain. Your lack of inspection of matters have caused you to stay in unhealthy patterns and you keep landing in the same spot. Being a lazy thinker translates into being a lazy doer. The word lazy comes from a german word that means weak, idle and adverse to labor. Many of us want the benefits of the labor but don’t want to toil in our thinking to create the lives we hoped for.

How to start using your brain power and enhance critical thinking skills:

1. Read. Yes grab a book. Expand your vocabulary. Read books on skills that will help you create the life you want.

2. Eat healthy/ work out. What you put in determines what you put out. You literally are what you eat

3.Ask questions/think for yourself

4. Be self aware and aware of your thoughts.

5. Evaluate research that is already available. Dig into why or who concluded information.


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